The first app update of the year goes to First Contact with a minor update bringing enhanced menu bar functionality, some bug fixes, and support for images with an alpha channel.

Main Features

First Contact now has a brand new Page menu, which has a suite of commands for changing the page layout. The header, footer, and image labels can be toggled from the menu bar, or with keyboard shortcuts, as can the grid's rows and columns.

The biggest addition is the Match Fonts commands, which will sync the font family, size, and color between the header, footer, and image labels. This makes updating the font selection in a layout faster as each group no longer needs to be set manually.


  • Images with transparency, like screenshots, are now rendered correctly, with the page color showing through the image
  • The metric page presets have been recalculated to provide accurate sizing in millimeters and the A4 page defaults to landscape like the other page sizes
  • All images can be removed from the Edit menu, and when removing the last image the PDF size estimate correctly reflects that fact
  • You can also remove an image by right-clicking on it in the PDF preview
  • Files and folders can be dropped into the PDF preview area, not just the sidebar
  • The app now uses a custom accent color, matching the rocket in the icon

The update is available now via the in-app updater or by downloading directly. As always there is a two week trial available.