A new update for the Capture One Stream Deck plugin just hit the marketplace featuring six new actions and over 20 new image adjustments available on the Stream Deck + dials. To date the plugin has been downloaded over 1,800 times!

The plugin has nearly 30 unique actions, for doing everything from rating & tagging images, filtering collections, navigating images, moving the capture folder, changing camera settings, adjusting images, toggling the overlay & grid, and more. Many perform actions that can't be natively done in Capture One building on top of a rich collection of custom scripts.

Developing the plugin takes a lot of time and I'm glad so many people have found it useful. If you'd like to help support ongoing development consider donating on Ko-fi and tagging me in posts with your Stream Deck setups.

New Actions

  • Crop To Overlay: apply a crop that matches the overlay position
  • Set the current folder as the capture folder
  • Resume Counter: resume the capture counter from the latest image in a folder
  • Next Capture Orientation: set the camera orientation
  • Rotate images with keys and dials


  • Adjust camera settings with the Stream Deck + dials
  • Color Tag and Rating actions use macOS standard toggle behavior
  • Over 20 additional adjustments can be made from the Stream Deck + dials